Case Studies

I have worked with Nathan on a number of his businesses after being introduced when networking and finding we had contacts in common. Nathan’s latest business is chatbots, We Are Gabba. But no matter what the business, we set up Xero enabling us both access to the software via the cloud. Like many people Nathan likes up to date financial information on this business and Xero enables this.
“Starting any business is tough. Long hours, lots of obstacles and disappointments on the way as you look to build momentum. For me having a great team around me is vital if you are going to succeed. Working with Sue is great. Super reliable, solid and always there to provide support and advice. Without hesitation I see Sue as an important part of our team and Gabba’s success.”
Nathan Smith, Managing Director

Social Communications outsourced their finance function to a local firm of accountants. Unfortunately, this meant that they were always making management decisions based on old historic data. With the company planning a growth strategy, they needed to bring finance in house but without employing someone to do this. As outsourced FD my first job was to use in-house software and Xero fitted the bill. John and his fellow director Caty could initially enter the data and I could ensure accuracy until a part-time accountant could be employed. My involvement is to now support the growth of the initial business and the new subsidiary companies, while providing guidance to the in-house accountant.
” Sue has given is so much more visibility of your business finance. With an outsourced solution, our figures were always out of date. We are now looking forward to growing the business with Sue’s support and guidance”
John Quinton-Barber, Managing Director

Sarah had spent her career to date working for large companies with a dedicated finance department. Now it was all down to her! In common with many business owners, Sarah need to learn a new range of skills when she set up Plantas Shoes. She didn’t have time to spend on back office procedures, she wanted to be marketing and selling. And compliance with external agencies such as HMRC was important.
“As a small business, I had been running my accounts on an excel spreadsheet and reconciling once a week and then monthly with my bank statement.
This was starting to get increasingly complex and time consuming as the business grew, I started to operate in different channels, and needed to invoice trade customers. Sue advised me to look at Xero with an automatic bankfeed which was relatively easy to set up with Sue’s help, and I now invoice in minutes on a Monday, do my accounts in about ½ hr on a Friday (I was allocating the whole morning previously), and Xero also makes VAT Returns much, much simpler to do too! I find that Xero has considerably simplified my business accounting, it is both easy to use and very cost effective, and I have a much better handle now on my accounts and cashflow. I would not hesitate to recommend it.”
Sarah Lynch, CEO, Plantas UK Ltd